Five Staggering WordPress Statistics

At Real Estate Connected we are 100% dedicated to building engaging websites which turn web traffic into fans who keep coming back for more. We do this through the WordPress platform because quite frankly, it is easy for you to use. To help you understand why we think this platform is so good, we put together a list of staggering statistics.

Most people think WordPress is just for blogging

In truth, WordPress is fast becoming the leading Content Management System in the world today with an almost incomprehensible 4,535,309 websites using the platform.

Almost one in four new domains run on WordPress

According to a presentation called “State of the Word” by WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg – 22 new domains out of 100 in the United States run on WordPress. This gives the platform a 25% share in the US alone.

Nearly 15% of ALL websites are powered by WordPress

To add to the staggering statistic above – approximately 14.7% of ALL WEBSITES GLOBALLY run WordPress. It’s not known exactly how many websites are running online today but statistics show that more than 100,000 new domains are being registered everyday!

Almost 7,000 people that participated in a WordPress survey say they manage more than 25 websites each!

The “State of the Word” presentation says that 6,800 WordPress users were managing a total of 170,000 websites. We find it amazing that anyone has enough hours in the day to maintain manage 25 websites at once.

Finding the best plug ins was found to cause the most frustration with users

WordPress think they will address this frustration with the release of the new ManageWP platform which allows users to manage multiple blogs and sites on the one platform. To find out more, go to

Here at Real Estate Connected, we specialise in designing superior websites for real estate professionals across Australia and globally. Our WebConnected package will provide you with a personalised website complete with every imaginable tool available to help you engage with your target audience and easily integrate your sales and marketing needs into one space. Get started today!


  1. I tried the ManageWP plugin and had my doubts but was pleasantly surprised at how easy it is tp use and was completely glitch free. It made managing 4 different WP-based sites easier and faster. I highly recommend it.

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