Archive for Showcase

Just Launched Complete Re-Design of Jeff Jones Real Estate WordPress Website

After several short… long weeks we’ve completed development and launched a responsive WordPress website for a hugely successful Brisbane real estate agent, Jeff Jones. This agency was established in 1977 and has been recognised for many REIQ Awards.

Working hand in hand with Troy Woodward a staff member working with Matt Jones who has put forth an incredible effort to gather and write a huge amount of informative content. This initiative helps property owners in Brisbane navigate all aspects of real estate transactions in Queensland.

If you are buying property, need a property manager in Brisbane or are a tenant needing advice be sure to visit as you will find the answer you are looking for.

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How a push helped me to finally release Easy Property Listings. A free real estate plugin for WordPress

Just one more day…

If you’ve been uttering these words to yourself because you are finishing a project and it needs more time, like a lot more time you are not alone.

I’ve been uttering these words to myself every day for the past 6 months and thanks to you a ecommerce push post that I read on Chris Lema’s blog and his challenge that gave me a tight deadline to release my real estate plugin for WordPress.

This challenge gave me a launch date to strive for.

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