Improve your real estate business by using iPads in real estate listing presentations

Thanks to modern technology, there are a number of options for real estate agents to keep in touch with prospects and sellers as well as in listing presentations. Yet few offer the flexibility and inherent intimacy that the iPad does. With its incredible high-resolution screen, every detail will be visible to those potential buyers. Built-in Bluetooth technology also makes it simple to display your presentation on a larger screen if required.

What makes the iPad the best option?

While some agents might argue that any tablet can accomplish the same objective, it is the iPad’s unique ability to allow the user to zoom in and out of images with ease that presents its greatest asset.

Another aspect that appeals to so many real estate agents around the world is the lightweight nature of the iPad and the ability to transfer it to a potential buyer while they browse through listings. Clients may be fine by sifting through listings on a laptop or desktop computer, but the design of these do not allow close, more intimate presentations.

An iPad can be thought of as a brochure

When discussing listings with clients in more traditional formats, a printout or brochure was likely the common mode. Today, the iPad offers the same appeal as having listing details at your fingertips coupled with the personal touch of being able to offer clients the answers to their questions with the touch of a button.

Over time, brochures can pose a significant expense, but by using an iPad for listing presentations, just upload all of the details to your iPad and you’re ready to go. As an added bonus, having your listings on an iPad will allow you to send and capture emails to interested prospects.

If you are looking for a technological advantage in your listing presentations, the iPad is the perfect solution.

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