Why your bounce rate is important to your website’s success, how to improve it and a info graphic to explain it

A website bounce rate is an important factor in determining how successful your website is in its Google ranking. The more successful your site is in attracting and retaining visitors, the higher your Google ranking, the more web search traffic is directed to your domain.

So what is a bounce rate?

A bounce rate is used in web analytics to measure the quality of people’s visits to your website. Do they sit on your landing page before immediately leaving or are they sticking around to read your blogs and click through a few pages? If visitors are taking the time to stick around your bounce rate is lower.

How is it calculated?

If you’re not familiar with web analytics then how a bounce rate is calculated might not make much sense to you. Put simply, if a web visitor immediately leaves your site after landing at it, then this is counted as a bounce.

How can I find out my bounce rate?

There are several options for finding out your site’s bounce rate – one is to do it yourself through using a web measurement tool such as Google Analytics or KISSmetrics and install a small snippet of code in your header on each page of your website. Ask us if you need help setting it up.

How can I improve my bounce rate?

According to an infograph created by KISSmetrics, there are numerous ways you can improve your website’s bounce rate.

If your bounce rate is lacking, the first and most important thing you can do to improve it is to start by looking at your website’s content.

  • Do you have too many pop up ads or videos?
  • How relevant is your content to your site?
  • Does your site deliver what it promises?
  • Is there a clear navigational path?
  • Do your pages load in a reasonable time?
  • Does it have an unnecessary flash landing page where you have to click to enter your site?

Real Estate Connected can help you improve your bounce rate by offering clients a great deal on website redesign and through enhancing your website’s content. We have custom packages to suit everyone and best of all we know what you need to do to succeed!


  1. Bounce rate is very big factor, In my thinking, but many just don’t look towards factors like this, which can hugely effect a website. A very high Bounce rate means, Visitors are not getting what they want (not always, but in most cases) and are leaving website to find more content, which also be called as Pogo sticking, if those visitors click on other search results in Google. Indirectly, We may lose our authority as Google will consider our content as worthless and will take down rankings. So, Bounce rate has lot do, no matter, which niche we are working on, from Blogging to eCommerce, this factors needs to be focused on, if we are really looking to provide good user experience.

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