Connected real estate agents use the right online tools

We are convinced that connected real estate agents can provide a more streamlined service with the right online tools. If automation was the lock then WebConnected is the key to accelerating your growth.

With a platform such as WebConnected, you no longer have to troll the phone book and call a thousand owners to secure that important listing. With the internet the first place people look to buy or sell – you’ll want to make sure that it’s your name and services they see first.

Mail Chimp

We can’t shout it loud enough – MailChimp is a program you’ll fall in love with as quickly as we did. Mail Chimp will drive an email marketing campaign right into the loving arms of your prospects. It’s easy to use, looks professional, is astonishingly affordable (offering a great free version!) and will let you track and analyse who is opening your emails, who forwarded your message and how far (geographically) your campaign reached.

Gravity Forms

A Gravity Form is a complete contact form solution used by WordPress website platforms. We build all our platforms in WordPress because we feel it’s easy for our clients to use.

We are big fans of the Gravity Form and convinced you will see highly effective and measurable results through the use of this simple plug in. A Gravity Form lets you build complex, interactive contact forms quickly and with very little effort – best of all you don’t have to be web programmer to use them.

Drip Campaigns

A drip campaign is an integrated marketing strategy which allows you to preempt your marketing message and ‘drip feed’ your audience a pre-written set of messages over time. This method is effective in keeping your name in front of potential prospects but requires a bit of planning on your behalf. If set up correctly, you can ‘drip feed’ information to your prospects weekly, fortnightly or monthly offering valuations, competitions or market advice. For added effectiveness, set up an automatic reply template with a personalised message.


For any successful internet marketing campaign, it is important to build a list of subscribers so you can reach out to them time and time again without being seen as a spammer. We recommend an opt-in version to eliminate any time wasters and ensures your message is consistently reaching its desired audience.

We help our clients manage in the sometimes overwhelming world of integrated marketing so they can concentrate on what they do best which is practicing real estate and earning dollars.


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